Fruit and Vegetables


We all know (logically) that we need to consume more fruit and veggies. That does not  mean that we do it. There are many obstacles to fruit and vegetable consumption. These obstacles include the short shelf life of fresh fruits and veggies to the risk of over-cooking.


Here are some practical tips to help you incorporate more fruits and veggies into your daily diet.

  1. Keep fruits and vegetables in a visible place. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on your kitchen table or counter. Keep washed and prepped fruits and veggies in the refrigerator on an eye-level shelf (not the drawer at the bottom where all fruits and veggies go to die). This makes them easily accessible and reminds you to reach for them as a snack or side dish.

  2. Plan meals around fruits and veggies. Aim for half of your plate to include fruits and vegetables. 

  3. Experiment with new (to you) produce. This may lead to finding new favorites. Incorporating a wide variety of produce into your diet can help you consume a diverse amount of nutrients. Be open to try different types, colors and textures to keep meals interesting and yummy. Visit a market that caters to folks from other countries. Explore and enjoy!

  4. Be creative with cooking. Be brave. Try different styles like grilling, roasting, stir-frying, and blending vegetables for soups. While you are being creative, use a variety of spices and herbs. Don’t be afraid of trying new ones. What’s the worst that can happen?

  5. Make sure you are well-stocked on convenient options like frozen or pre-prepped foods. Do you find fruit and veggie prep to be time-consuming? Buy pre-washed and pre-cut foods to speed up meal and snack prep.

  6. Be sneaky! You can be creative in sneaking fruits and veggies into your meals and snacks. Top pizzas with extra veggies. Add greens to your smoothies. Use canned pumpkin in your oatmeal, stews, and sauces. What other ideas can you think of?

  7. Make fruits and veggies the base of your snacks. Think baby carrots, sliced cucumber and peppers, grapes or grape tomatoes. 

  8. Eat the Rainbow! Aim for a full variety of colorful fruits and veggies to make sure you are getting a full range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 

  9. Involve others around you. Encourage friends, family and colleagues to eat more fruits and veggies. This makes it a collaborative effort. Plan meals and snacks together. Share recipes with each other! Join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

  10. Learn more about the benefits of eating more fruits and veggies. This includes better digestion, increased energy and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. 

Small gradual changes can lead to big improvements in your overall physical and mental health. Incorporating more fruits and veggies into your daily diet you will nourish your body with the essential nutrients.

Action Steps:

  1. Pick a new veggie to try. Need help? Google “unusual vegetable” and see where the internet takes you!

  2. Pick a new recipe to use.

  3. Explore different ways to increase your veggie intake.

  4. What will you try first? Second?

  5. How will you feel doing this?