Discovering Your Purpose AKA Your Why January 2024.mp4

Discovering the Purpose behind reaching our goals isn't just for the New Year. Any day, any week, and any moment is a great opportunity to explore why you want to reach your goals. It just so happens that most people use the New Year as an opportunity to set goals and resolve to practice (or not practice) certain behaviors.

Doing new things on a regular basis necessitates hard work. It's easy to give up on doing hard things, especially when these new tasks are not in-line with our core values and beliefs.

Watch this video of the first DYHLS workshop for 2024. We discuss what we want to accomplish and create vivid images in our minds of what it would feel like to reach our goals. When the image is clear, it becomes our North Star. The image helps us stay motivated to do the things we know we need to do to achieve our goals.