Your Purpose - Also Known As Your "Why"


When setting a goal, there should always be a purpose behind taking action. Determining that purpose is the first step in the process of actualizing your goal.


Weight, getting organized, or creating other life changes is a lot of hard work. Why would you choose to do all of this hard work? What’s in it for you? What is your goal? 

Your "why" or "purpose" behind a goal is a driving force that fuels your motivation, determination, and resilience. It gives meaning to our pursuits, providing a sense of direction and clarity. Understanding and embracing our "why" is crucial for achieving success and fulfillment in any endeavor.

The “Why” provides us with strong internal motivation. We have a deep-rooted purpose behind our goals - it can tap into our core values and beliefs. This can set a fire under our toes. It is no longer a superficial desire but rather a real compelling reason that resonates with our innermost desires. This internal motivation  helps us stay committed and focused, even when we come upon challenges and setbacks.

Your “Purpose” acts as a guiding compass that directs us towards our desired outcomes. It is the clear vision of what we want and why it matters to us. A clearly defined purpose can help us set meaningful goals that are in line with our values. This ensures that our efforts are actually directed towards what matters most to us. This sense of purpose helps keep us on track and allow us to make choices (with intention) that are in line with our ultimate goal. 

Our purpose gives us a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. When we work towards goals that are in line with our purpose, we can experience more fulfillment and meaning in our lives. This provides us with a deep sense of satisfaction. This joy can boost our well-being and feelings of self-worth.

When clearly defined, our “purpose” can help us overcome bumps in the road. When our goals have a strong sense of purpose, we are stronger when faced with obstacles. These challenges become opportunities for growth and learning when normally they would be seen as impossible roadblocks.

Our purpose acts as the fuel in our tank that propels us forward…. Even when we face setbacks. This is because we are deeply committed to our purpose. 

Most interestingly, our purpose can inspire and influence others. When our purpose is genuine, it radiates and inspires people around us. Our passion and commitment can motivate and influence others to join us on our journey. This then can have a ripple effect where others are inspired to embrace their own purpose in their pursuit of their goals.

Comprehending and accepting the why or purpose behind a goal is paramount. It gives us internal motivation, guides our actions, fulfills us, helps us be capable and inspires others. 

Action Steps:

  1. Write what your purpose is. For example: “Why did I join the “Design Your Healthy Life Strategy” group?

  2. Close your eyes and imagine you have achieved your purpose.

  3. Now write down what that looks and feels like. You can use this at times on your journey when you are not feeling motivated or inspired. It will be a good “pick-you-up.”